Source code for mlframe.mlframe

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from functools import wraps, partial
import statsmodels.api as sm
import statsmodels.formula.api as smf
import scipy.stats as stats
from statsmodels.stats.outliers_influence import variance_inflation_factor
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
import missingno as ms
from inspect import getmembers, isfunction
from yellowbrick.regressor import cooks_distance

def inherit_docstrings(cls):
    for name, func in getmembers(cls, isfunction):
        if func.__doc__:
        for parent in cls.__mro__[1:]:
            if hasattr(parent, name):
                func.__doc__ = getattr(parent, name).__doc__
    return cls

[docs]class MLFrame(pd.DataFrame): """A pd.DataFrame with an inplace model, and LinearRegression modeling functions. See pandas.DataFrame documentation """ model = None """[statsmodels.regression.linear_model.OLS]""" # noqa def __init__(self, frame, **kwargs): super(MLFrame, self).__init__(frame, **kwargs)
[docs] def cat_cols(self): """Computes and returns Categorical columns""" return list(self.select_dtypes('object').columns)
[docs] def num_cols(self): """Computes and returns Numerical columns""" return list(self.select_dtypes('number').columns)
[docs] def get_cols(self, name): """ Returns list of columns with name or names in it Parameters ---------------------------------------- name[str, list]:: str or list of str for column selection """ if isinstance(name, list): names = name cols = [] for name in names: cols += [col for col in self.columns if name in col] return cols return [col for col in self.columns if name in col]
[docs] @staticmethod def replace_all(string, replace_numbers=False): """Replaces bad characters in a string for column names to work in a R~formula """ string = string.replace( ' ', '_').replace( '(', '').replace( ')', '').replace( '.', '_').replace( '-', '_').replace( '/', '_').replace( '@', '_').replace( '+', '_').replace( ' ', '_').replace( ' ', '_') if replace_numbers: string = string.replace( '1', 'one').replace( '2', 'two').replace( '3', 'three').replace( '4', 'four').replace( '5', 'five').replace( '6', 'six').replace( '7', 'seven').replace( '8', 'eight').replace( '9', 'nine') return string
[docs] def clean_col_names(self, inplace=False, verbose=True, replace_numbers=False): """Cleans the column names of a DataFrame for use in an R~Formula Parameters ---------------------------------------- inplace[bool]:: Defines whether to return a new dataframe or mutate the dataframe verbose[bool]:: Whether to show the difference between the old columns and clean columns or not replace_numbers[bool]:: Whether to replace numbers with their english counterpart i.e (1 -> one) Returns ---------------------------------------- None if inplace, otherwise returns a copy of the dataframe Example Usage ---------------------------------------- >>> df = MLFrame(pd.read_csv('mlframe/tests/auto-mpg.csv')) >>> df.clean_col_names() Columns changed: model year --> model_year car name --> car_name """ def show_difference(old_cols, new_cols): diff = dict(zip(old_cols, new_cols)) print('\nColumns changed:') for col in diff.items(): if col[0] != col[1]: print(col[0], "-->", col[1]) if inplace: new_columns = [self.replace_all(c.strip(), replace_numbers) for c in self.columns.values.tolist()] old_columns = self.columns if verbose: show_difference(old_columns, new_columns) self.columns = new_columns else: df = self.copy() new_columns = [self.replace_all(c.strip(), replace_numbers) for c in df.columns.values.tolist()] old_columns = df.columns if verbose: show_difference(old_columns, new_columns) df.columns = new_columns return df
[docs] def get_vif(self, target, verbose=True): """Computes the Variance Inflation Factor for the columns of a dataframe based on the target column Parameters ---------------------------------------- target[str]:: The column name to base the VIF on verbose[bool]:: Whether or not to print out the VIF series Returns ---------------------------------------- Series of variance_inflation_factor for each column Example Usage ---------------------------------------- >>> df = MLFrame(pd.read_csv('mlframe/tests/auto-mpg.csv')) >>> df.drop(['car name'], axis=1, inplace=True) >>> df.get_vif('mpg', verbose=False) const 763.558 cylinders 10.738 displacement 21.837 horsepower 9.944 weight 10.831 acceleration 2.626 model year 1.245 origin 1.772 """ X = self.drop(target, axis=1) X = sm.add_constant(X) vif = [variance_inflation_factor(X.values, i) for i in range(X.shape[1])] s = pd.Series(dict(zip(X.columns, vif))) if verbose: print(s) return s
[docs] def get_vif_cols(self, target, threshold=6, verbose=True, inplace=False): """ Computes Variance Inflation Factor for the dataframe, and gets the columns that are above the defined threshold Parameters ---------------------------------------- target[str]:: The column name to base the VIF on threshold=6[int]:: The threshold that columns would be above where they are an issue, and need to be looked at verbose[bool]:: Whether to print out the series or not inplace[bool]:: Whether to return the series or not Returns ---------------------------------------- Depending on inplace Series of variance_inflation_factor for each column Example Usage ---------------------------------------- >>> df = MLFrame(pd.read_csv('mlframe/tests/auto-mpg.csv')) >>> df.drop(['car name'], axis=1, inplace=True) >>> df.get_vif_cols('mpg', verbose=False) horsepower 9.944 cylinders 10.738 weight 10.831 displacement 21.837 dtype: float64 """ vif_results = self.get_vif(target, verbose=False) bad_vif = list(vif_results[vif_results > threshold].index) if 'const' in bad_vif: bad_vif.remove('const') num_vif = {} for col in bad_vif: num_vif[col] = vif_results[col] s = pd.Series(num_vif).sort_values() if verbose: print('\nVIF columns > %s: \n%s' % (threshold, s)) if not inplace: return s
[docs] def log(self, columns, inplace=False, verbose=True): """ logs the listed columns of the dataframe Parameters ---------------------------------------- columns[list, str]:: A list of columns to make logarithmic inplace[bool]:: Defines whether to return a new dataframe or mutate the dataframe verbose[bool]:: Whether to print out logged columns or not Returns ---------------------------------------- None if inplace otherwise returns a copy of the dataframe with columns logged Example Usage ---------------------------------------- >>> df = MLFrame(pd.read_csv('mlframe/tests/auto-mpg.csv')) >>> df.drop(['car name'], axis=1, inplace = True) >>> df = df.log(columns=['mpg', 'cylinders']) Logging: mpg cylinders # OR >>> df.log('mpg', inplace=True) Logging: mpg """ if verbose: print("\nLogging:") if isinstance(columns, list): for col in columns: print(" ", col) else: print(" ", columns) if inplace: if isinstance(columns, list): for col in columns: self[col] = np.log(self[col]) else: self[columns] = np.log(self[columns]) else: df = self.copy() if isinstance(columns, list): for col in columns: df[col] = np.log(df[col]) else: df[columns] = np.log(df[columns]) return df
[docs] def scale(self, columns, inplace=False, verbose=True): """ Scales the listed columns of the dataframe Parameters ---------------------------------------- columns[list, str]:: A list of columns to scale inplace[bool]:: Defines whether to return a new dataframe or mutate the dataframe verbose[bool]:: Whether to print out the scaled columns or not Returns: None if inplace otherwise returns a copy of the dataframe with columns scaled Example Usage ---------------------------------------- >>> df = MLFrame(pd.read_csv('mlframe/tests/auto-mpg.csv')) >>> df.drop(['car name'], axis=1, inplace = True) >>> df = df.scale(columns=['mpg', 'cylinders']) Scaling: mpg cylinders # OR >>> df.scale('mpg', inplace=True) Scaling: mpg """ def scale(df, col): df[col] = ((df[col] - np.mean(df[col])) / np.sqrt(np.var(df[col]))) if verbose: print("\nScaling:") if isinstance(columns, list): for col in columns: print(" ", col) else: print(" ", columns) if inplace: if isinstance(columns, list): for col in columns: scale(self, col) else: scale(self, columns) else: df = self.copy() if isinstance(columns, list): for col in columns: scale(df, col) else: scale(df, columns) return df
[docs] def wrapper(func): """Wrapper to return a MLFrame, and set the model when defined pd.DataFrame methods are used on a MLFrame""" @wraps(func) @inherit_docstrings def inner(self, *args, **kwargs): frame = func(self, *args, **kwargs) frame = MLFrame(frame) frame.model = self.model return frame return inner
[docs] @wrapper def drop(self, *args, **kwargs): return super(MLFrame, self).drop(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] @wrapper def copy(self, *args, **kwargs): return super(MLFrame, self).copy(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] @wrapper def replace(self, *args, **kwargs): return super(MLFrame, self).replace(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] @wrapper def fillna(self, *args, **kwargs): return super(MLFrame, self).fillna(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] @wrapper def wrap__getitem__(self, df): """Wrapper for get item [] so that it returns an MLFrame rather then a pd.DataFrame""" return df
def __getitem__(self, key): call = super().__getitem__(key) if isinstance(call, pd.DataFrame): return self.wrap__getitem__(call) else: return call
[docs] def info(self, *args, **kwargs): print("Model is %s\n" % self.model) return super(MLFrame, self).info(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def one_hot_encode(self, columns=[], drop_first=True, verbose=True, **kwargs): """Makes a one hot encoded dataframe Parameters ---------------------------------------- columns[list]:: list of columns to one hot encode uses self.cat_cols() if not defined drop_first=True:: whether to drop the first column or not to rid of multicollinearity verbose[bool]:: Whether to print out the series or not kwargs{dict}:: Arguments to send to pd.get_dummies see: Returns ---------------------------------------- encoded dataframe Example Usage ---------------------------------------- >>> df = MLFrame(pd.read_csv('mlframe/tests/auto-mpg.csv')) >>> df.clean_col_names(verbose=False, inplace=True) >>> # splitting car_name into model for categorizing >>> df['model'] = df['car_name'].apply( >>> lambda x: x.split(' ')[0]) >>> df_ohe = df.one_hot_encode(columns=['model']) Added categorical columns 37 -> model """ if not isinstance(columns, list): raise(AttributeError('%s not a list' % columns)) elif not columns: columns = self.cat_cols() df = MLFrame(pd.get_dummies(self, columns=columns, drop_first=drop_first, **kwargs)) if verbose: print("Added categorical columns") count_dict = {} for col in self.columns: count = 0 for col_ohe in df.columns: if col in col_ohe: count += 1 if count > 1: count_dict[col] = count for col, num in sorted(count_dict.items(), key=lambda x: x[1]): print(num, '->', col) return df
[docs] def find_outliers_IQR(self, col, verbose=True): """Finds outliers using the IQR method Parameters ---------------------------------------- col[str]:: Name of the column to search for outliers in verbose[bool]:: Whether to print out the series or not Returns ---------------------------------------- True/False Series of the outliers (True is outlier) Example Usage ---------------------------------------- >>> df = MLFrame(pd.read_csv('mlframe/tests/auto-mpg.csv')) >>> idx_outliers = df.find_outliers_IQR('horsepower', verbose=True) Found 10 outliers using IQR in horsepower or ~ 2.55% >>> df = MLFrame(df[~idx_outliers]) """ data = self[col] res = data.describe() IQR = res['75%']-res['25%'] thresh = 1.5 * IQR idx_outliers = ((data < res['25%'] - thresh) | (data > res['75%'] + thresh)) if verbose: total = idx_outliers.sum() total_perc = round((total/len(self))*100, 2) print("Found {} outliers using IQR in {} or ~ {}%" .format(total, col, total_perc)) return idx_outliers
[docs] def find_outliers_Z(self, col, verbose=True): """Finds outliers using the z_score method ---------------------------------------- col[str]:: Name of the column to search for outliers in verbose[bool]:: Whether to print out the series or not Returns ---------------------------------------- True/False Series of the outliers (True is outlier) Example Usage ---------------------------------------- >>> df = MLFrame(pd.read_csv('mlframe/tests/auto-mpg.csv')) >>> idx_outliers = df.find_outliers_Z('horsepower', verbose=True) Found 5 outliers using z_score in horsepower or ~ 1.28% >>> df = MLFrame(df[~idx_outliers]) """ data = self[col] z_scores = np.abs(stats.zscore(data)) z_scores = pd.Series(z_scores, index=data.index) idx_outliers = z_scores > 3 if verbose: total = idx_outliers.sum() total_perc = round((total/len(self))*100, 2) print("Found {} outliers using z_score in {} or ~ {}%" .format(total, col, total_perc)) return idx_outliers
[docs] def find_outliers_cooks_d(self, target, threshold=None, verbose=True): """Finds outliers using the Cook's Distance method ---------------------------------------- target[str]:: Name of the target column for you model. Threshold[int]:: Threshold at which to drop outliers, defauts to 4/n, n being the length of the data frame. verbose[bool]:: Whether to print out the series or not Returns ---------------------------------------- True/False Series of the outliers (True is outlier) Example Usage ---------------------------------------- >>> df = MLFrame(pd.read_csv('mlframe/tests/auto-mpg.csv')) >>> idx_outliers = df.find_outliers_cooks_d('horsepower', verbose=True) >>> df = MLFrame(df[~idx_outliers]) """ data = self if not threshold: threshold = 4/(len(data)) else: threshold = threshold lst = list(data.select_dtypes('O').columns) data.drop(columns=lst, axis=1, inplace=True) for col in list(data.columns): data[col] = data[col].astype('float') y = data[target] Xlist = list(data.columns) Xlist.remove(target) X = data[Xlist] cd = cooks_distance( X, y, draw_threshold=True, linefmt="C0-", markerfmt=",") distance = pd.DataFrame(cd.distance_, columns=['distance'], index=data.index) data['distance'] = distance['distance'] idx_outliers = data['distance'] > threshold if verbose: total = idx_outliers.sum() total_perc = round((total/len(self))*100, 2) print("Found {} outliers using Cook's Distance or ~ {}%" .format(total, total_perc)) return idx_outliers
[docs] def outlier_removal(self, columns=[], IQR=False, z_score=False, cooks_d=False, verbose=True): """Removes outliers based on IQR or z_score or Cook's Distance Parameters ---------------------------------------- column[list, str]:: The columns of which to remove outliers if blank, removes from all columns IQR[bool]:: Whether or not to remove outliers using IQR method z_score[bool]:: Whether or not to remove outliers using z_score method cooks_d[bool]:: Whether or not to remove outliers using the cooks_d method verbose[bool]:: Whether to print how many outliers were found in each column or now Returns ---------------------------------------- Copy of dataframe with outliers removed Example Usage ---------------------------------------- >>> df = MLFrame(pd.read_csv('mlframe/tests/auto-mpg.csv')) >>> df = df.outlier_removal('horsepower', ... IQR=True) Found 10 outliers using IQR in horsepower or ~ 2.55% Removed >>> # OR >>> df = df.outlier_removal(['horsepower', 'mpg'], z_score=True) Found 10 outliers using z_score in horsepower or ~ 2.55% Removed Found 0 outliers using z_score in mpg or ~ 0.0% Removed """ if IQR: _type = 'IQR' func = partial(self.find_outliers_IQR, verbose=verbose) elif z_score: _type = 'z_score' func = partial(self.find_outliers_Z, verbose=verbose) elif cooks_d: _type = 'cooks_d' func = partial(self.find_outliers_cooks_d, verbose=verbose) else: raise AttributeError("No method defined (z_score or IQR)") df = self.copy() num = len(df) if isinstance(columns, list): if not columns: columns = self.columns for col in columns: outliers = func(col) df = df[~outliers] if verbose: print('Removed %s with %s removal' % ((num - len(df), _type))) else: outliers = func(columns) df = df[~outliers] if verbose: print('Removed %s outliers with %s removal' % ((num - len(df), _type))) return df
[docs] def get_nulls(self, verbose=True): """Returns sum of all nulls in the dataframe Parameters ---------------------------------------- verbose[bool]:: Whether to print out the null count of each row or not Example Usage ---------------------------------------- >>> df = MLFrame(pd.DataFrame(np.arange(12).reshape(3, 4), ... columns=['A', 'B', 'C', 'D'])) >>> df['A'].loc[1:3] = np.nan >>> df['B'].loc[0] = np.nan >>> df A B C D 0 0.0 NaN 2 3 1 NaN 5.0 6 7 2 NaN 9.0 10 11 >>> df.get_nulls(verbose=False) 3 """ nulls = self.isna().sum() if verbose: print(nulls.sort_values(ascending=True)) nulls = nulls.sum() return nulls
[docs] def drop_nulls_perc(self, perc, inplace=False, verbose=True): """Drops a column if the null value is over a certain percentage (0-1) Parameters ---------------------------------------- perc::[float] The percentage under which nulls are for a column to get dropped inplace[bool]:: Defines whether to return a new dataframe or mutate the dataframe verbose[bool]:: Whether to print out the series or not Returns ---------------------------------------- None if inplace, otherwise returns copy of dataframe with columns dropped Example Usage ---------------------------------------- >>> df = MLFrame(pd.DataFrame(np.arange(12).reshape(3, 4), ... columns=['A', 'B', 'C', 'D'])) >>> df['A'].loc[1:3] = np.nan >>> df['B'].loc[0] = np.nan >>> df A B C D 0 0.0 NaN 2 3 1 NaN 5.0 6 7 2 NaN 9.0 10 11 >>> df.drop_nulls_perc(.4) B C D 0 NaN 2 3 1 5.0 6 7 2 9.0 10 11 """ nulls = self.isna().sum() drop_cols = nulls[nulls/len(self) > perc].index if verbose: print('Dropping: ') for col in drop_cols: print(' --> ', col) return self.drop(columns=drop_cols, inplace=inplace)
[docs] def ms_matrix(self, **kwargs): """Plots a missingno matrix Parameters ---------------------------------------- kwargs{dict}:: Arguments to send to ms.matrix Example Usage ---------------------------------------- >>> df = MLFrame(pd.read_csv('mlframe/tests/auto-mpg.csv')) >>> df.ms_matrix() """ return ms.matrix(self, **kwargs)
[docs] def fill_na_kind(self, kind='mean', columns=[], custom=0, inplace=False, verbose=True): """Fills na cells with the selection of it's respective column Parameters ---------------------------------------- kind[str]:: 'mean' default 'mode' 'median' 'perc' percent value_counts of it's respective column 'custom' defaults to 0 columns[str or list]:: the column or columns to fill, defaults to all custom:: the variable to fill the NA with kind='custom' inplace[bool]:: Defines whether to return a new dataframe or mutate the dataframe. verbose[bool]:: Whether to print out the filling information or not. Returns ---------------------------------------- None if inplace, otherwise returns copy of dataframe with nulls filled with kind selected Example Usage ---------------------------------------- >>> df = MLFrame(pd.DataFrame(np.arange(12).reshape(3, 4), ... columns=['A', 'B', 'C', 'D'])) >>> df['A'].loc[1:3] = np.nan >>> df['B'].loc[0] = np.nan >>> df A B C D 0 0.0 NaN 2 3 1 NaN 5.0 6 7 2 NaN 9.0 10 11 >>> df.fill_na_kind('mean') Filling 66.67% of A with nan Filling 33.33% of B with 9.0 A B C D 0 0.0 5.0 2 3 1 0.0 5.0 6 7 2 0.0 9.0 10 11 >>> df.fill_na_kind('custom', custom=18) Filling 66.67% of A with 18 Filling 33.33% of B with 18 A B C D 0 0.0 18 2 3 1 18 5.0 6 7 2 18 9.0 10 11 """ if not columns: columns = self.columns elif isinstance(columns, str): columns = [columns] elif not isinstance(columns, list): raise AttributeError("%s is not a valid column selection" % columns) nulls = self.isna().sum() null_perc = nulls[nulls > 0] / len(self) null_cols = list(null_perc.index) # get columns that are in the given list of columns cols = [col for col in null_cols if col in columns] cols = self[cols] if kind == 'mean': null_fills = cols.mean() elif kind == 'mode': null_fills = cols.mode() elif kind == 'median': null_fills = cols.median() elif kind == 'perc': raise AttributeError('perc not yet implemented') elif kind == 'custom': raise AttributeError('custom not yet implemented') null_fills = dict(null_fills) if verbose: for col, perc in null_perc.items(): print("Filling %s" % (round(perc*100, 2)), "\b%", "of %s with %s" % (col, null_fills[col])) def fill_df(df): """filling the dataframe with the given kind""" def check_fill(col, fill): """Checking if fill is NaN""" if np.isnan(fill): print("WARNING") print('%s filled with NaN because %s is NaN' % (col, kind)) for col, fill in null_fills.items(): if isinstance(fill, pd.Series): # if multiple modes fill = fill.mean() check_fill(col, fill) df[col] = df[col].fillna(fill) else: check_fill(col, fill) df[col] = df[col].fillna(fill) return df if inplace: fill_df(self) else: df = self.copy() return fill_df(df)
[docs] def qq_plot(self, model=None, **kwargs): """Plots a statsmodels QQplot of the dataframe Parameters ---------------------------------------- kwargs{dict}:: Arguments to send to see: Returns ---------------------------------------- Example Usage ---------------------------------------- >>> df = MLFrame(pd.read_csv('mlframe/tests/auto-mpg.csv')) >>> df.clean_col_names(inplace=True) >>> df.lrmodel('mpg', inplace=True) >>> df.qq_plot() """ def plot(residuals): if 'ax' in kwargs: kwargs['ax'].set_title('Model Residual QQ plot') return, fit=True, line='45', **kwargs) if model: return plot(model.resid) elif self.model: return plot(self.model.resid) else: raise AttributeError('No model defined')
[docs] def model_resid_scatter(self, target, ax=None, title='', scatter_kws={}, line_kws={}): """Plots a scatter plot and axhline based on target and the model's residuals Parameters ---------------------------------------- target[str]:: The target of the model title[str]:: The title of the plot ax[matplotlib.axes]: The axis to plot onto scatter_kws{dict}:: Arguments to send to the scatter plot see: line_kws{dict}:: Arguments to send to the axhline see: Returns ---------------------------------------- Example Usage ---------------------------------------- >>> df = MLFrame(pd.read_csv('mlframe/tests/auto-mpg.csv')) >>> df.clean_col_names(inplace=True) >>> df.lrmodel('mpg', inplace=True) >>> df.model_resid_scatter('mpg') """ if ax: ax.set_title(title) ax.scatter(x=self[target], y=self.model.resid, **scatter_kws) ax.axhline(0, **line_kws) ax.set_xlabel(target) ax.set_ylabel('Model Residuals') else: plt.title(title) plt.scatter(self[target], self.model.resid, **scatter_kws) plt.axhline(0, **line_kws) plt.xlabel(target) plt.ylabel('Model Residuals')
[docs] def lrmodel(self, target=None, columns=[], inplace=False, verbose=True, **kwargs): """Creates a LinearRegression model of target Parameters ---------------------------------------- target::[str] The target for which to model on cols[list]:: a list of columns of which to build the model on. If empty, uses all columns-target inplace[bool]:: Defines whether to return a new dataframe or mutate the dataframe verbose[bool]:: Whether or not to display the model.summary() kwargs{dict}:: Arguments that are sent to Model.from_formula() see: Returns ---------------------------------------- None if inplace, otherwise returns the model Example Usage ---------------------------------------- >>> df = MLFrame(pd.read_csv('mlframe/tests/auto-mpg.csv')) >>> df.clean_col_names(inplace=True) >>> df.lrmodel('mpg', verbose=False, inplace=True) >>> df.model.pvalues.max() 0.9996627853521083 """ if not target: raise AttributeError('No target defined') if not columns: columns = self.drop(target, axis=1).columns cols_form = '+'.join(columns) # cols_form = cols_form.replace(' ', '') formula = '%s~%s' % (target, cols_form) # possibly svd did not converge here kwds = dict(formula=formula, data=self) kwds.update(**kwargs) model = smf.ols(**kwds).fit() try: # undefined if used outside jupyter if verbose: display(model.summary()) except NameError: print(model.summary()) if inplace: self.model = model else: return model
[docs] def model_and_plot(self, target, figsize=(10, 10), verbose=True, **kwargs): """Creates a new model based on target, plots a scatter plot of (target, model residuals), and plots a qqplot based on the model residuals. Parameters ---------------------------------------- target::[str] The target for which to model on verbose[bool]:: Whether or not to display the model.summary() kwargs{dict}:: Arguments that are sent to Model.from_formula() see: Returns ---------------------------------------- model Example Usage ---------------------------------------- >>> df = MLFrame(pd.read_csv('mlframe/tests/auto-mpg.csv')) >>> df.clean_col_names(inplace=True) >>> df.model_and_plot('mpg') """ self.lrmodel(target, inplace=True, verbose=verbose, **kwargs) model = self.model fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=2, figsize=figsize) fig.tight_layout(pad=8.0) self.qq_plot(ax=axes[0]) self.model_resid_scatter( target, ax=axes[1], title='Model Residual Scatter plot', line_kws=dict(color='k') ) return model
[docs] def plot_corr(self, figsize=(25, 25), annot=False, **kwargs): """Plots a predefined correlation heatmap Parameters ---------------------------------------- figsize(tu, ple):: The size of the plotted figure annot[bool]:: Whether or not to annotate the cells kwargs{dict}:: Arguments that are sent to sns.heatmap see: Returns ---------------------------------------- fig, ax Example Usage ---------------------------------------- >>> df = MLFrame(pd.read_csv('mlframe/tests/auto-mpg.csv')) >>> df.clean_col_names(inplace=True, verbose=False) >>> df.drop('car_name', axis=1, inplace=True) >>> df.plot_corr(annot=True) """ corr = np.abs(self.corr()) fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=figsize) mask = np.zeros_like(corr, dtype=np.bool) mask[np.triu_indices_from(mask, k=0)] = True kwds = dict(mask=mask, cmap=sns.diverging_palette(240, 10, n=10), annot=annot, center=0, ax=ax, linewidths=1, square=True, cbar_kws={'shrink': 0.6}) kwds.update(**kwargs) sns.heatmap(corr, **kwds) return fig, ax
# needs testing, has to have a model before
[docs] def plot_coef(self, cmap='Greens'): """Plots a predefined plot of the model's coefficients cmap[str]:: Default is Greens The style.background_gradient color see: Returns ---------------------------------------- <> Example Usage ---------------------------------------- >>> df = MLFrame(pd.read_csv('mlframe/tests/auto-mpg.csv')) >>> df.clean_col_names(inplace=True, verbose=False) >>> df.drop('car_name', axis=1, inplace=True) >>> df.plot_coef() """ coeffs = self.model.params.sort_values(ascending=False) frame = coeffs.to_frame('Coefficients') styler = return styler
[docs] def get_r_squareds(self, verbose=True): """ Tests models price to each column in the dataframe. Parameters ---------------------------------------- verbose[bool]:: Whether to print out the series or not Returns ---------------------------------------- sorted pd.Series of columns --> r_squared""" r_squared = {} for col in self.columns: model = self.lrmodel('price', [col], verbose=False) r_squared[col] = model.rsquared rs = pd.Series(r_squared).sort_values() if verbose: print("R Squareds") print(rs) return rs
[docs] def train_test_split(self, target, test_size=100, seed=42, plot=True, verbose=True, inplace=False): """ Runs a train test split algorithm on the data Parameters ---------------------------------------- target[str]:: Name of the column of which to target test_size[int]:: How many times to run the train_test_split seed[int]:: The random seed to use plot[bool]:: Whether or not to show the plots verbose[bool]:: Whether or not to show the model inplace[bool]:: Defines whether to return a new mode or change the current model Returns ---------------------------------------- model[sm.regression.linear_model.RegressionResultsWrapper]:: The best model of the train_test_split Example Usage ---------------------------------------- >>> df = MLFrame(pd.read_csv('mlframe/tests/auto-mpg.csv')) >>> df.clean_col_names(inplace=True) >>> df.drop(['car_name', 'origin'], axis=1, inplace=True) >>> model = df.train_test_split('mpg', test_size=5, verbose=False) >>> model.pvalues Intercept 0.005 cylinders 0.503 displacement 0.688 horsepower 0.868 weight 0.000 acceleration 0.510 model_year 0.000 dtype: float64 """ r2dict = {} # r2scores = {} test_amount = test_size for x in range(0, test_amount): np.random.seed(seed) choices = [.3, .2, .1, .05] c = np.random.choice(choices) # X = self.drop(target, axis=1).copy() # y = self[target].copy() df_train, df_test = train_test_split( self, test_size=c, random_state=seed) df_train = MLFrame(df_train) df_test = MLFrame(df_test) model = df_train.lrmodel(target, verbose=False) r2dict.update({model.rsquared: ( model, df_train[target], c)}) # y_train = model.predict(df_train) # y_test = model.predict(df_test) # r2_train = r2_score(df_train[target], y_train) # r2_test = r2_score(df_test[target], y_test) model, X, test_size = sorted(r2dict.items(), key=lambda x: x[0])[-1][1] if plot: fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=2, figsize=(10, 10)) # fig.tight_layout(pad=8.0) # Causes SVD did not converge when test_train_split is ran twice self.qq_plot(ax=axes[0], model=model) axes[1].scatter(X, model.resid) axes[1].axhline(0, color='k') axes[1].set_xlabel(target) axes[1].set_ylabel('Model Residuals') if verbose: print('test_size = ', test_size) try: display(model.summary()) except NameError: print(model.summary()) if plot: if inplace: self.model = model else: return model